The alleged Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)The goal of this site is to give a correct information about this non-existent desease. |
In the appendix of this e-book a full discussion on the PAS with the criticism of scientific comunity and the recent declaration of the Italian Governement against yhe use of the PAS. |
THE PAS IN 350 WORDS (an italian brief article) |
The Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS
(Ugo Sabatello and Daniele Regini
AbstractThe Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS - The Parental Alienation Syndrome, created by Gardner in 1985, is became a means more and more utilized in the Law Courts in order to try to obtain the custody of the minor. The Authors, analyzing the Gardner’s theory, had intention to put in evidence the various controversial aspects which aren’t dealt in the original theorization and have been carry in attention by experts of this sector. The Gardner ‘s theory, besides haven’t qualifications to be defined "Syndrome", seems to be a unilateral reading implement and a not much scientific regarding a complicated problem as the family. A systemic vision, like the vision suggested by the Authors, criticizes the methodology suggest by Gardner either to diagnose PAS or "to treat" the trouble. According to the Authors, a pattern that seems the best way to face the problems after this separation it would have to be Kelly and Johnston’s model. Key words: alienation, PAS, alienator, alienated, diagnosis, treatment.